These files are available to download in pdf format, to help you find a particular manual, we have listed them in alphanumeric order.
For full instruction manuals please see our instruction manuals page, abbreviate instruction manuals please see our abbreviated manuals page, or for manuals of obsolete products, please see our instruction manuals for obsolete products page.
BA304G Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 4 digit, compact field mountingBA304G LPI Ex ia 4D field | |
BA304G-SS Rugged Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 4 digit, field mounting [SS]BA304SG LPI Ex eb 4D field | |
BA304SG Loop powered indicator, Ex eb & Ex tb, 4 digit, compact field mountingBA304G-SS Rugged LPI Ex ia 4D field | |
BA307E Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 4 digit, panel mountingBA307E LPI Ex ia 4D panel | |
BA307E-SS Rugged Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 4 digit, panel mounting [SS]BA307E-SS Rugged LPI Ex ia 4D panel | |
BA307SE Rugged Loop powered indicator, Ex ec, 4 digit, panel mounting [Stainless Steel]BA307SE Rugged LPI Ex ec 4D panel | |
BA308E Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 4 digit, panel mountingBA308E LPI Ex ia 4D panel | |
BA314G Tachometer, intrinsically safe, compact field mountingBA314G Tachometer Ex ia field | |
BA317E Tachometer, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA317E Tachometer Ex ia panel | |
BA317E-SS Rugged Tachometer, intrinsically safe, panel mounting [Stainless Steel]BA317E-SS Rugged Tachometer Ex ia panel | |
BA318E Tachometer, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA318E Tachometer Ex ia panel | |
BA324G Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 5 digit + bargraph, compact field mountingBA324G LPI Ex ia 5D field | |
BA324G-SS Rugged Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 5 digit, field mounting [SS]BA324G-SS Rugged LPI Ex ia 5D field | |
BA324SG Loop powered indicator, Ex eb & Ex tb, 5 digit + bargraph, compact field mountingBA324SG LPI Ex eb 5D field | |
BA327E Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 5 digit + bargraph, panel mountingBA327E LPI Ex ia 5D panel | |
BA327E-SS Rugged Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 5 digit + bargraph, panel MTG [SS]BA327E-SS Rugged LPI Ex ia 5D panel | |
BA327SE Rugged Loop powered indicator, Ex ec, 5 digit, panel mounting [Stainless Steel]BA327SE Rugged LPI Ex ec 5D panel | |
BA328E Loop powered indicator, intrinsically safe, 5 digit + bargraph, panel mountingBA328E LPI Ex ia 5D panel | |
BA334G Pulse input Externally powered rate totaliser, intrinsically safe, compact field mountingBA334G Pulse I/P EPRT Ex ia field | |
BA337E Pulse input Externally powered rate totaliser, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA337E Pulse I/P EPRT Ex ia panel | |
BA337E-SS Rugged Pulse input Externally pwrd rate totaliser, Intrinsically safe, panel MTG [SS]BA337E-SS Rugged Pulse I/P EPRT Ex ia panel | |
BA338E Pulse input Externally powered rate totaliser, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA338E Pulse I/P EPRT Ex ia panel | |
BA364G Two input, Counter, Intrinsically safe, compact field mountingBA364G 2 I/P Counter Ex ia field | |
BA367E Counter, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA367E Counter Ex ia panel | |
BA367E-SS Rugged Counter, Intrinsically safe, panel mounting [Stainless Steel]BA367E-SS Rugged Counter Ex ia panel | |
BA368E Two input, Counter, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA368E 2 I/P Counter Ex ia panel | |
BA374G Two input, Timer or Clock, Intrinsically safe, compact field mountingBA374G 2 I/P Timer/Clock Ex ia field | |
BA377E Timer or Clock, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA377E Timer/Clock Ex ia panel | |
BA377E-SS Rugged Timer or Clock, Intrinsically safe, panel mounting [Stainless Steel]BA377E-SS Rugged Timer/Clock Ex ia panel | |
BA378E Two input, Timer or Clock, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA378E 2 I/P Timer/Clock Ex ia panel | |
BA384G Two pulse input rate totaliser, intrinsically safe, compact field mountingBA384G 2 pulse I/P rate totaliser Ex ia field | |
BA386 LED flashing beacon, intrinsically safeBA386 LED flashing beacon Ex ia | |
BA386S LED steady state beacon, intrinsically safeBA386S LED steady state beacon Ex ia | |
BA388E Two pulse inputs, Externally powered rate totaliser, Intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA388E 2 pulse I/Ps EPRT Ex ia panel | |
BA390 LED panel lamp, intrinsically safeBA390 LED panel lamp Ex ia | |
BA390 Low current LED cluster lamp, intrinsically safeBA390 Low current LED panel lamp Ex ia | |
BA414DF-F Single variable FOUNDATION™ fieldbus indicator, intrinsically safe, field mountingBA414DF-F 1 var. FF Ex ia field | |
BA418CF-F Single variable FOUNDATION™ fieldbus indicator, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA418CF-F 1 var. FF Ex ia panel | |
BA427E Set point station [set point generator], intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA427E SPS Ex ia panel | |
BA427E-SS Rugged Set point station [set point generator], intrinsically safe, panel mounting [SS]BA427E-SS Rugged SPS Ex ia panel | |
BA444DF-F Eight variable FOUNDATION™ fieldbus indicator, intrinsically safe, field mountingBA444DF-F 8 var. FF Ex ia field | |
BA444DF-P Eight variable PROFIBUS PA indicator, intrinsically safe, field mountingBA444DF-P 8 var. PROFIBUS PA Ex ia field | |
BA448CF-F Eight variable FOUNDATION™ fieldbus indicator, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA448CF-F 8 var. FF Ex ia panel | |
BA448CF-P Eight variable PROFIBUS PA indicator, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA448CF-P 8 var. PROFIBUS PA Ex ia panel | |
BA484D Modbus RTU display, intrinsically safe, field mountingBA484D Modbus RTU Ex ia field | |
BA484D Serial Data display, intrinsically safe, field mountingBA484D Serial Data Ex ia field | |
BA488C Modbus RTU display, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA488C Modbus RTU Ex ia panel | |
BA488C Serial Data display, intrinsically safe, panel mountingBA488C Serial Data Ex ia panel | |
BA490 Rotary encoderBA490 Rotary encoder | |
BR385 Sounder, intrinsically safeBR385 Sounder Ex ia |